AmaZing Pictures From Around the World
FEB 17, 2025 9:06 PST
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The Pictures of the - AmaZing Images From Around the World!

Scott Mc Kiernan Proudly Presents Pictures of the Day (POD)

POD features the finest visual reporting of the last 24 hours from ZUMA Press' wire service. The pictures of the day are continuously updated 24/7/365, so be sure to check back frequently throughout the day.

POD's calendar allows one to search for previous pictures of the day, dating back to the early 1900s.

Viewers may also comment on each picture that is currently featured as a picture of the day.

Another exciting feature is the WORD, a forum where ZUMA picture editors and photojournalists give insight into the making of the picture as well as the POD selection process.

Love a particular picture? Order a copy of the print online.

Stay tuned as many more special features to come.

Join the POD community and spread the word.

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